Jinna's Dolls - Handmade Dolls
Saltyd dough is an exquisite medium to work with! It forms a soft elastic paste and it is very easy to model the most beautiful toys by hand.
I use the following receipe for firm (hard) salty dough figures:
For preparation of salty dough you can use practically any flour.
200 g of flour
400 g of salt
125 ml of water
The unused dough should be stored in a sealed plastic bag as the dough dries out very quickly in open air.
When making the dough you can add the color to the dough and mix it in if you prefer. You can also leave the dough uncoloured and paint your figure afterwards with any acrylic paint.
To dry your figure, set your oven at 80°C and place the figure inside the oven and bake it at the temperature for +/-1hour or till dry and hard.
With Salty dough you can make any sort of figures ,wall pictures ect.
The possibilities are endless!
Salty Dough
Old Mushroom | Castle | Troll |
Tempter | Pamela | Otto |
Masha and Bear | Larisa. | Irish Santa |
Daniel | Alenushka |